Sunday, January 6, 2013

Something Old, Something New....

Just a few days into 2013 and I am learning to take it day-to-day.  For my something new in 2013 I plan on documenting our(the Mr and I) year through photos and scrapbooking the year.  I've chosen to take a picture every 11th and 22nd of each month.  If we are sitting at home on the couch, running errands at the local Walmart or whatever: photos will be taken.  Our JOURNEY this year will start on a road to recovery through cancer.  The MR will undergo treatment very soon.
that's the MR under the Santa beard!

Let's see, in 2012 my blog in review included:
lots of giveaways, many blog postings on family members, laughs about banning Mondays, a design team position, a flickr account, and facebook account for Puddin N Pie
cute little momma

bike riding on old train trestle
my pops back in the day

3 ballerinas canvas

my garden bird bath

favorite scrapbook layout of the year!

my gnomy

miniature xmas tree project

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