Sunday, November 13, 2011

Slow down Sunday! I ain't ready for Monday yet!

What a week I've had!  Everhadoneofthoseweekswherethedaysaresofilledwithbusinessthatyoucantellonedayfromanother!?
Thats the week I've had!
I really want to rest and relax today!
The twins with little sister, nancy, circa 1970

It's getting kind of chilly around TN these days.  I guess I'll need to break out the hand muff and matching hat.  Poor little sister, Nancy, didn't get a muff to wear with her hat! Today she still wishes for a muff.  Maybe I should find one for her!?  Would that be fun if I could find a vintage muff on ebay! I guess I have a project now!  Good thing my little sister doesn't follow this blog--otherwise she might know what her xmas gift is! 

Soo, what's on your plates today? Not literally--or maybe so--leave me a comment--tell me what's going on with you.  Tomorrow I'll leave you a posting about all the work I'm doing today! 

Remember to stop here...for a giveaway! You have until Monday evening to get your comment in or to become a new follower!
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