Hey Peeps!
One of my favorite blog
Caffeinated OC Mommy , Caffe has a way to say exactly what I want to say, but always keep my mouth shut. But, heck, what's a blog for, but to say what you want. And, bullocks on your opinion.
I like that English curse word.
So...I've just had several exchanges with someone my father would call a DING-BAT. I am off work for vacation, but am attempting to help this DINGBAT with a problem SHE created. Oh and did I mention there hasn't been a thank you? Not one.
Not one, "Thank you so much for taking this time while you are officially on vacation."
Not one, "Don't bother with this right now. We'll talk on Monday."
Here's what I get: attitude, I should do whatever I can to make this happen.
What I want to say is, "forget it, we'll deal on Monday." And maybe even a few curse words....
What would you say!
The best comment on what I should say will win a very special treat!
See the picture below.
Sookie, the kitten will help me pick the best comment.
Aannnddd, if you triple dog dare me I may actually say it to her.
altered coaster into a magnet |