Thursday, July 7, 2011


Oh my goodness I am so popular!  I now have 20 followers!  So excited!  **jumping up and down, with glee**  On the many blogs I visit I've seen someone with a blinkie that said: "I'm famous, on my blog."  I need that blinkie. Never did I think 20 people would find this blog, much less follow.  So welcome, everyone.  Have you some Puddin' n Pie.....

Just incase you don't know the origins of that statement: Puddin' N's you a little educating....
A little nursery rhyme called Georgie Porgie according to Wikipedia, George Bernard Shaw wrote these lyrics in 1856. 

Georgie Porgie, Puddin' and Pie,
Kissed the girls and made them cry,
When the boys came out to play
Georgie Porgie ran away
Since my name is Georgie, I've heard this little rhyme since I was a little child.  Now...when I was a teenager, ever so clever, I would add:
"Kissed the BOYS and made them cry (FOR MORE)." oh, I was so bad....
Happy Thursday ya'll!
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