Monday, February 24, 2014

wedding day jitters

I'm calling this little layout Wedding Day Jitters. It's a picture of myself with my daughter and I was the one getting married.  The colors that inspired this layout where included in this month's challenge over at Challenge YOUrself, where scrapbook layouts have to feature a picture of yourself, is that an awesome idea?  

The color pallette was this:
These colors are DREAMy and they make me wish for springtime.  
Additionally, my sketch inspiration came from Paper Secrets Challenge Blog  and a twist on this challenge was to use materials that started with the letters
L (I used Lace)
O ( I used and orange-coral background paper)
V ( I used Valentines hearts)
E ( I used Ecru colored paper-had to get creative with that one!)

I love these challenges blogs that really give a person inspiration.  At 1-2-3 Get Scrappy, I had to use a tic-tac-toe pattern in my layout.  Here's the board:

I went straight through the middle of the board and included fibers, lots of hearts and music notes in my layout.

music notes and fibers

hearts and more fiber
If you hurry up you can still enter all of these challenges and I hope you do!  I am inspired by your creations too!

Let your light shine!

Hi bloggy friends!  Today's blog post is featuring a scrapbook page featuring 3 of my sisters and their children.  Funny thing, the children in these pictures are the same age my sisters were when I took the pics. That probably makes no sense to you, but it does to me that's all that matters. 
If you've read my blog for a while--(and I know you have.
 Cuz otherwise I'm talking to myself and that's not a good thing.)

Then you know that I have a bunch of sisters, 5 to be exact. And oh boy! Did we get into all kinds of shenanigans when we were younger.     
Who am I kidding, we still get into shenanigans, now they are just adult shenanigans!   
the lighting is a little off in this photo, that tag is more pink then purple

I know you much rather hear about the layout design that I'm linking to

but I'd rather talk about that Sunday morning back in 1991 or 1992.  It was Easter and we were all going to church with our Mother(she likes her chicks around her on special religious holidays) and we were all decked out in our Easter best.  

All of these blogs still have time to join their challenge, get your scrappy on and meet me at the MR LINKY.
The Color Me Scrappy challenge #56 used this picture as an inspiration with a twist, add wood to the layout.  The photo looks more orange then pink due to the photo editor error(a-hem, me)  The die cut sheet is more pink and sherbert than orange I placed it on top of a grey/brown page and then added photos.  YOu may not be able to see the wood veneer hearts in the center of the butterfly, scroll down the page to view closeup.
You can still join us for this month's challenge.  Go check out the inspiration from the design team, way good. way good.

The second challenge I'm linking up to is the Lasting Memories Layout Challenge where we had to use wings and the word LOVE. This blog challenge is for layouts only, so card making friends, go by for inspiration and enjoy this design team too.  Gosh, the talent in this world!
Below is a closeup of the winged butterflies and the little wood veneer hearts.  I used a die cut word "LOVE" on the bottoom right of page(not seen in closeup)

Finally, I used the Let's Capture our Memories Challenge blog's sketch for the layout.  AWESOME-sauce!
Card making friends they also have a card sketch check it out dudes.

Thanks for stopping by for some Puddin N Pie

Monday is a lame way to spend 1/7 of your life

But, since we have to have Monday's in our life anyway I may as well be:

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Five Regrets of the Dying #1

I'm not one to make New Years Resolutions, but I do try to set goals for myself.  I've found I'm rather goal oriented and thrive on seeing the bottom line and the results.  Last year the MR and I were faced with mortality and it changes a person.
Makes a person more introspective or, at least it did for me.
With that said, I then ran across this image and decided each week I would randomly pick one of these 5 regrets of the dying and live by it for the week.

 It's been such a lesson and I'm only a few weeks into the new year!
Randomly my pick this week is
I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

What will this week bring?  hmmmmmm....
Tell me which one of these speaks to you? How about joining my me and write a blog post and add it to the Linky box below.
I'd really like to hear your thoughts.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Father knows best or does he....and it's a tiara tuesday

Hello Bloggy Friends!
Today is Tiara Tuesday and here's that picture for the week!
Remember to come back every Tuesday to enjoy seeing me in a tiara.
That's right. me.
I'm tinkering with making my tiara tuesday's a linky party. What do you think?

On to the "Father knows best" layout.
boring compared to the cute couple in the picture above.
it's hard to be humble when you have dimples like that
or when you're german.
just saying....

I'm playing along at Stuck?! Sketch Challenge Blog They have some great inspirational sketches 2x a month.  The design team is diverse and each challenge has a winner!  Get in the action this month-you have 8 days until this challenge closes.
Here's my interpretation of the sketch.
I wanted a more masculine layout, so instead of flowers and flourishes I used clock hands and mustaches.
Are you swooning over the wood veneer mustache like I am?  Sit down and put your head between your knees, that'll make you feel better.

I'm also entering into the Craft Hoarders Anonymous Challenge Blog to help me with my addiction problems.
Hoarding. my drug of choice.
With the craft Hoarders challenge we are to use some of our stash and to use this photo as inspiration for any project.  (join along with them, the challenge ends on March 2nd. That's plenty of time for you to get your groove on.

I love my papers, the smell, the feel, the cute designs.
Oh my!
Check out the background paper with bugs and moths. I've had that stack of paper for 2 years. It's so hard to say goodbye.

this bull's eye paper, I won from another challenge blog 2 1/2 years ago.  I had to break out the smelling salts as I cut into that beauty.
The mustache is a new member to my hoard collection-but I am determined to use them.
What's the use of buying on trend if you don't use the items when they are trendy?

And finally, in tribute we need to take a moment and enjoy this photo of my pops.
Taken in the past few years he's resting after mowing the lawn. (At 80+ he still push mows the 1 acre lot, although last year we talked him into buying a riding mower)
Pure sassiness in his sideways hat and WWII era tattoos.
I get all sentimental looking past the man to the background which shows the swing we've always had at our home and the soon-to-blossom lilac bushes that have been a staple in our yard since the 1960s.

Thanks for stopping by for some Puddin N Pie!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

FUNeral, ever heard of one?

I wanted to share this with my bloggy friends, I find hope and inspiration from you all.  Please click the link and learn about the FUNeral for a friend.  What is a FUNeral? Go find out.  For the record, if I knew I was leaving this planet, I would throw a FUNeral for myself.
 party on dude.
FUNeral for Misty DeBlaio

Special Message from Her Daughter Rena 

There were many times to be sad.

Sad when in December of 2013 I laid next to my momma as she broke down in tears and whispered to me, “I’m trying to fight this thing, believe me, I am, but I think it’s winning this time, and I want to be there to see you happy and to watch your kids grow up, and I don’t understand WHY me!? I’m not ready to go yet.”

There were many times to be pissed off. 

Pissed off when no matter how many endless rounds of chemotherapy her body endured, every new scan said the same thing, “it’s growing… there’s more… it’s now over here too… oh and did I mention you have MRSA and a kidney stone now… blah blah blah.”
But this isn’t about those times.

Because those times don’t define my momma. And they don’t define her life.

When I reflect on my momma’s life, her strength, her faith, her unique “misty-ness” that resides within myself and within all of the people she touches throughout her life, well, excuse my bluntness, but those sad and pissed off times don’t stand a chance in hell.

THIS is a time to celebrate! A time to applaud the fierce woman who stands grounded in faith and armed with undying love and strength against anything thrown her way – whether it be giving birth to a nine pound baby girl without an epidural (sorry mom!) or battling triple negative breast cancer for the past two and a half years.

The woman who keeps you laughing until it physically hurts every inch of your body to laugh anymore, but you still keep laughing.  The woman who empowers and inspires anyone around her – whether it be a random waitress or a friend of 20 years – we’ve all been touched by her infectious spirit, and honestly, we can’t get enough.

The woman who, no matter what time it is, will always be willing to grab lunch with you at SOHO café…seriously, always.

THIS is about celebrating my momma’s life and I need your help.

To have this celebration, I am asking, begging, and pleading for financial support from all of you to help me and my family:

Throw an out-of-this-world FUNeral for my mom to celebrate with 400-500 of her closest friends in less than a month!!

Fly in family from out-of-town for this celebration

Cover the costs of mounting medical bills

Help pre-pay the cost of funeral bills

We have a big goal here and I have NO doubt we can do it. I need your help – not only in donating what you can (ANYTHING HELPS!) but also in spreading the word and sharing this fundraiser with as many people as you can – through social media, around your work, around the community, just share! Please help make this night incredibly special for my momma. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Anything goes on Tiara Tuesday!

Hello Friends,
It's our weekly installment of Tiara Tuesday, and here's the photo for this week
just a glimpse of the tiara 
I'm thinking about adding a linky tool to this posting so others can take selfies with their tiaras and share. Would you join in if I added a linky?  Leave me a comment, just think you could be a part of a new trend  AND we are making it happen!  #tiaratuesday

Today I'm joining up with Craft Hoarders Anonymous to join in their 1st ever challenge!  Click on over and check them out!  This week's challenge goes like this:
Challenge #1: What's Your Style?
Share a project that showcases your signature style. Dig into your hoard and pull out items that make you shout with crafty joy! Whip up something that has your creative name all over it. Do you, because no one is you-er than you!

This is a good challenge for me since I'm still defining my still. 

I do know it's our family's annual "Love your sister day," February 13th, which is so close to Valentines day that a person has to add hearts.  I have a bunch of sisters and I added a couple of friends' valentines too.  I'm disappointed in the lighting of these pictures-Remember I'm still trying to perfect picture lighting and camera settings.  I want to blame the equipment--but to tell the truth--it's probably user error.  I use PicMonkey as a photo editor--but I think a person has to start with a good photo and work from there.  Keep up with this photo learning lessens this year.  It is a goal of mine!  

These define my style in that I LOVE birds and birdcages and color!  I also enjoy being on trend, so there's some Chevron and grey & yellow. According to Sherwin Williams Grey is the new Black. 

 I added Glossy Accents here and there to add a little punch to the raised texture(another trend-stencils and modeling paste. (oh so much fun).  Then I used mists and stains to create the background colors.  These are more red in person then orange.  (user error)

Way back in high school I took 4 years of French and today I can only speak a few words of love, "Je'Taime tres beaucoup!" and "Je'Tadore." (I can still count to 10, but who cares!! I would much rather say Je'Taime than 1-2-3)

Happy #tiaratuesday and #loveyoursisterday !

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tiara Tuesday

It's a new trend and you must join us! Snap a picture of yourself and post it on my facebook page.
Come on, join the sparkle!
Puddin N Pie Facebook

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