Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday is a lame way to spend 1/7 of your life

I'm working on building readership and have been asking other bloggers advice.  Thanks to Teresa at The Alterered Paper for some great advice. One piece of advice was to blog everyday.  I love blogging so very much and want to find a way to make your stop here memorable.  The MR and I were thinking of some clever themes for each day of the week.  At first we were thinking Magnificent Motivational Monday.  Which is a wonderful way to start the week.   But, pooey, don't we all (most of the time) hate Mondays. 

Don't we all really want to complain about getting up early and running out the door to work.  So, why not be freaking honest about it. Why not make this a safe place to complain about our work, coworkers, bosses and our jobs in general.   Hence the title of this posting!
For me, I love my job more than any other job I've held.  Every single day I work with some wonderful women and get to see little girls change lives right in their own towns or around the world.

But, a job is a job sometimes and sometimes I'd like to do what this guy does...except maybe for ripping my shirt off.  (disclaimer: I am in no way saying I want to quit my job or that you should quit yours..)
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