Thursday, October 6, 2011

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, you'd better run, better run

Welcome to what song's in your head day.  I told ya'll I wake up every morning with a song in my head.  Sometimes it's an 80s tune from my youth or a brand new tune I've just heard.  I never know what song it's gonna be and I love that about my brain!!

Today is a song in the top 10 on the Billboards chart.  I see the video every morning at the gym, and think, "those guys are so cute...I can see why the young 'uns like them." 

I couldn't figure out what kind of picture to put with this video...until I remember that my twinny sent me this picture yesterday.  We really had to kick it up to complete this 1/2 marathon.  I was THE LAST person(my twin being a close 2nd to the last) to complete the marathon--there wasn't even any snacks left for us--damn fast runners--**fist pump**  ---eating up all the pasta before the walkers could get there. 

Georgie on the LEFT, Jaymie on the RIGHT --posing!
 Enjoy this little song in my head--hope you share your song today.  Don't forget you can enter to win the cutiest tags in the world--and your chances to win are high since there are few entries!

Go here to enter into weekly giveaway!

Getcha Some,
Puddin N Pie
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